Round Table #132 Show Notes

First the novelist who was encouraged by many iconic authors including Stephen King. Check it HERE.

Next Carrie is in the National Film Registry. Check it HERE.

Next the Dream Casting article for Flanagan’s Tower. Check it HERE.

Next best King Villains and Monsters. Check it HERE.

Next the article synopsizing everything we have said for a year or more, that Flanagan is the man for The Dark Tower. Check it HERE.

Next up casting Randall Flagg. Check it HERE.

Next up King recommends a book (The Deluge). Check it HERE.

And King gives us a recommend on something to watch (Kaleidoscope). Check it HERE.

Lastly here is the review of the Mazzara pilot for The Dark Tower. Check it HERE. (a lot of great images from the pilot in his review!).

Round Table #131 YEAR END BASH!

Tadd and Peter come together to ring out 2022 with the DTP Year End Bash. As always the phone lines are open, and while not on calls they cover their top Dark Tower Moments for the 2023 March Madness Bracket nominations and of course the Mike Flanagan Dark Tower Dream Casting. Happy New Year to the Extended Ka-Tet and may 2023 be the year of the Flanagan Greenlight and maybe a new Dark Tower novel! 


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Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 21

In the last Book Club of 2022 Tadd and Peter check in with all 3 parties of our fractured Ka-Tet. Jake comes face to face with the dangerous Tick-Tock Man and he learns just how dangerous he is, and he saw some gold-ringed eyes in the air duct. Roland has hit a dead-end with the door, but finds a small vent and sends Oy through for recon, and then sends him again, likely to his death. Then the Deans face down the ever electric Blaine as they discover Riddles is what he wants. 


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12/8 Emergency Episode

Tadd and Peter scramble together to react to the huge news that Mike Flanagan and Trevor Macy own the rights to the Dark Tower series and are hoping to make 5 seasons of television of it and 2 feature films. They breakdown everything Mike and Trevor said about the series and geek the fuck out as well as talk some knee-jerk reactions. Stay tuned for the Year End Bash on 12/31 as they dive deeper into this topic including dream casting (including the Mike Flanagan regulars). 

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Round Table #130

Hile to the Extended Ka-Tet in this Round Table Tadd and Peter come together to palaver about the big Flanagan news and the implications it might have on a Flanagan Dark Tower. Also we have our Barlow for the upcoming Salem’s Lot and it’s not who we suspected, Also Netflix is doing a reality show that is very Bachman-esque and we take a look at a piece of a very in depth article on The Mist for its 15th birthday. 

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Round Table #130 Show Notes

First up is the big news, Flanagan signs an exclusive deal with Amazon. Check it HERE.

Next is Flanagan telling the story of how he sold King on his Doctor Sleep take. Check it HERE. Also as promised here is a link to Flanagan’s Tumblr where this was posted.

Next we have our Barlow for the new Salem’s Lot adaptation. Check it HERE.

Next up Netflix is making a reality show that is very Bachman-esque. Check it HERE.

Then the big article on The Mist. We will cover more in the future as we barely scratched the surface. Check it HERE.

King gives his take on It’s A Wonderful Life HERE.

Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 20

In the latest Book Club Tadd and Peter find Jake and Gasher make it into the bowels of the city and reach a door, and asked a password. Roland and Oy follow. Eddie and Susannah approaching The Cradle and seeing a large familiar statue, and eventually they make their way in and at last lay their eyes on Blaine the Mono and wake him up….


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Round Table #129

Hile to the Extended Ka-Tet, in this Round Table we talk about Flanagan’s Dark Tower (and we have clips of him talking about it), as well as some fun ideas for King Video Game ideas, King on his treatment of Dogs over the years, King talks about novels that have never been adapted, and Pennywise and The Overlook make what feels like regular guest apperances on the show. 

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Round Table #129 Show Notes

First Igby Rigney is in a book club with Flanagan and he has read The Dark Tower series now. Check it HERE.

Next the article arguing for Kubrick’s Shining. Check it HERE.

King on hurting dogs in your writing and Radar. Check it HERE.

King book that has not been adapted that King thinks would be a good movie. Check it HERE.

Next is the Dark Tower dreams of Mike Flanagan from his own mouth.

Next 10 games that should be made from King works. Check it HERE.

Bonus, the picture we used and geeked out about for the games slide.

Next it looks like Welcome to Derry is actually moving forward. Check it HERE.

Next King giving his favorite 25 films. Check it HERE.

Pre-Order your Pennywise: The Story of IT HERE (or on your version of Amazon if you are not in the US).

Uncle Stevie Recommends is HERE.

Last up Dave shows us his Dark Tower Collection

Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 19

In this Book Club Tadd and Peter follow the Deans as they run into a bunch of the pubes (including one celebrating his birthday) and eventually get to the Cradle of Lud, Jake’s tongue is threatened by Gasher and continually beaten until Jake hears a trap go off and he gives up hope, Roland and Oy go deeper into the labyrinth and Roland sets the trap off on purpose. 


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