Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 23 (Bk2/Ch5/Sbch38-40)

In the latest Book Club Tadd and Peter follow Roland, Jake, and Oy as they move through the bowels of Lud all the while seeing the mass suicides and killings of both the Pubes and the Grays, also they pass through a massive room full of computers which is the mind of Blaine. The Deans see The Cradle open up and the Ka-Tet is finally reunited but told that they have little time before Blaine gasses the city. Last of all we see Randall “The Man in Black” Flagg heal Tick-Tock Man.  


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Round Table #133

On the latest Round Table Tadd and Peter check back in on the IT Escape room, look at a (probably haunted) island off the Maine that was for sale, Talk The Boogeyman and Billy Summers adaptations changing up a bit, and Holly coming in September. Also they unveil the DTP Fan Vote Bracket starting in March to crown the DTP Favorite Dark Tower Moments. 


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Round Table #133 Show Notes

First up an update on the IT-themed Escape room being developed in Las Vegas. Check it HERE.

Next up the (probably) haunted island off the Maine coast that was for sale. Check the link (with a lot more of the Zillow pictures) HERE.

Next up The Boogeyman getting moved from Hulu to a theatrical released. Check it HERE.

Next the article about Holly (coming September 5) as well as an excerpt from the novel. Check it HERE.

Next up the Children of the Corn remaking hitting theaters in March. Check the article HERE.

Next up Warner Bros and the production companies of JJ Abrams and Leonardo DiCaprio are taking Billy Summers out of the streaming series realm and to a feature film. Check the article HERE.

Next the production website showing Welcome to Derry filming in a few months and showing it is set in the 1960s and about the origins of Pennywise.

Next some old man humor from Sai King:

And a Dad joke….

Then Uncle Stevie Recommends

Then last up the DTP March Fan Vote to define the Best Moment bracket is set. Check it out as well as the dates for the vote. Keep an eye here and social media for links come March 1st.

Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 22 (Bk2/Ch5/Sbch31-37)

In the first Book Club of the first year Tadd and Peter cover Book 2, Chapter 5, Subchapters 31-37. In which Jake is tortured further by Tick-Tock and his merry band of goons. Oy makes his move and all hell breaks loose, eventually Roland is let in and Jake and Oy are saved. But then the entire city begins to be pierced by an alarm and a Blaine questions Roland and Jake. 


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Round Table #132

In the first Round Table of 2023 Tadd and Peter join the Extended Ka-Tet in futher palaver on the Mike Flanagan news with fresh speculation and hopes for the new year. They also talk Carrie in the The National Film Registry, Best King Villains, and more dream casting talk! 


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Round Table #132 Show Notes

First the novelist who was encouraged by many iconic authors including Stephen King. Check it HERE.

Next Carrie is in the National Film Registry. Check it HERE.

Next the Dream Casting article for Flanagan’s Tower. Check it HERE.

Next best King Villains and Monsters. Check it HERE.

Next the article synopsizing everything we have said for a year or more, that Flanagan is the man for The Dark Tower. Check it HERE.

Next up casting Randall Flagg. Check it HERE.

Next up King recommends a book (The Deluge). Check it HERE.

And King gives us a recommend on something to watch (Kaleidoscope). Check it HERE.

Lastly here is the review of the Mazzara pilot for The Dark Tower. Check it HERE. (a lot of great images from the pilot in his review!).

Round Table #131 YEAR END BASH!

Tadd and Peter come together to ring out 2022 with the DTP Year End Bash. As always the phone lines are open, and while not on calls they cover their top Dark Tower Moments for the 2023 March Madness Bracket nominations and of course the Mike Flanagan Dark Tower Dream Casting. Happy New Year to the Extended Ka-Tet and may 2023 be the year of the Flanagan Greenlight and maybe a new Dark Tower novel! 


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Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 21

In the last Book Club of 2022 Tadd and Peter check in with all 3 parties of our fractured Ka-Tet. Jake comes face to face with the dangerous Tick-Tock Man and he learns just how dangerous he is, and he saw some gold-ringed eyes in the air duct. Roland has hit a dead-end with the door, but finds a small vent and sends Oy through for recon, and then sends him again, likely to his death. Then the Deans face down the ever electric Blaine as they discover Riddles is what he wants. 


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12/8 Emergency Episode

Tadd and Peter scramble together to react to the huge news that Mike Flanagan and Trevor Macy own the rights to the Dark Tower series and are hoping to make 5 seasons of television of it and 2 feature films. They breakdown everything Mike and Trevor said about the series and geek the fuck out as well as talk some knee-jerk reactions. Stay tuned for the Year End Bash on 12/31 as they dive deeper into this topic including dream casting (including the Mike Flanagan regulars). 

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Round Table #130

Hile to the Extended Ka-Tet in this Round Table Tadd and Peter come together to palaver about the big Flanagan news and the implications it might have on a Flanagan Dark Tower. Also we have our Barlow for the upcoming Salem’s Lot and it’s not who we suspected, Also Netflix is doing a reality show that is very Bachman-esque and we take a look at a piece of a very in depth article on The Mist for its 15th birthday. 

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