Round Table #31: Official Poster, Metal Album, King Cinematic Universe



Hile DTP Ka-Tet, Tadd and Peter come together and discuss the latest news which include the Official Poster, King has seen the film, is the film in trouble, Idris talks Roland, Dark Tower Heavy Metal Album, and should there be a King Cinematic Universe? They also discuss the timeline of the marketing of the film as we draw closer to the release of the film and still haven’t seen a proper trailer. 4 months to the movie and things are heating up!  So kick back and join another Round Table Palaver.

Engage with DTP on Social Media to Palaver between shows. Also check out the show notes at DarkTowerPalaver(dot)com for links to all the articles and pictures mentioned in this podcast.
Check out this episode!

Round Table #31: Official Poster, Metal Album, King Cinematic Universe Show Notes

First up the article about King seeing the Dark Tower film.

Next up the article that debuted the Poster.

The Official Poster

The Inverted Poster to see Walter’s perspective

The colors inverted shows the Tower


The ScreenRant article on the Poster.

Next up we had tweets from a lot of the primary players

First up Uncle Stevie

Next up Idris Elba

Next up Matthew McConaughey

Next is Tom Taylor

Last up is Katheryn Winnick

Next up is the article speculating on the film being in trouble.

Next up is the short interview of Idris Elba where he is asked briefly about The Dark Tower.

Next is the announcement of The Dark Tower Metal Concept Album.

Last up is the article asking if it is time for a Stephen King Extended Universe.


Round Table #30: Reshoots in LA



Hile DTP Ka-Tet, Tadd and Peter come together and discuss the latest news and read emails from you, the extended Ka-Tet. This episode is mostly focused on  the reshoots in LA and looking at what that might mean, and if we should all be worried about reshooting this late in the game. Also they touch on having no trailer. They also discuss Katheryn Winnick’s quotes about The Dark Tower and a few other details. So kick back and join another Round Table Palaver.
Check out this episode!

Round Table #30: Reshoots in LA Show Notes

First the article from Slashfilm that says the trailer is this month sometimes. Check it HERE.

Next is the first whiff of reshoots from OnLocationVacations, is HERE.

Next is the Daily Mail piece about the reshoot, check it HERE.

Here are the pictures from the article:

Bad Ass

More Roland

The website that had a few extra shots of Idris at the reshoots is HERE.

The few other pictures they got:

Enjoying a Popkin

Roland and Jake back together

One of the Guns of the Eld

The article we referenced from can be found HERE.

The article spelling doom for the film can be read HERE.

Just a random find from Arnaud Lonys. Unintentional but it sure seems like something we know.

Arnaud Lonys’ creation with some text added.

Last up here is the tweet from our listener we referenced in the show:

Round Table #29: Second Live Palaver



Hile fellow members of DTP Tet, for the second time Tadd and Peter record live with people in the chat and phone lines opened. They cover some news and because there was no calls they cover some emails, all while engaging with people live in the chat. There is some new merchandise to talk about, and an Art Contest as well as a SONG for the TRAILER! Unfortunately the trailer still eludes us all, but there will be water if God wills it. So listen in as the boys engage with you members of the extended Ka-Tet both via Email and live in the chat. Also wait until the whole thing is over because after the show “ends” there is a bonus talk with Lou Sytsma who called in after the show to talk a little bit of Stephen Kind and their work over at the Stephen King Podcast.


Next time will be Round Table #30!
Check out this episode!

Round Table #29: Second Live Palaver Notes

A few news bits from the Live Palaver,

First “Behind Blue Eyes” by LOrchestra Cinematique titled for The Dark Tower Trailer is available to listen to wherever you stream your music from, BirthMovieDeath article HERE.’

Here is a YouTube link of the song.

Funko Pop has released a few Dark Tower figures, check out the article HERE.

Here is a picture of the POP figures.

Last up is the release for February 19th which was the art contest, check out the tweet HERE.

Here is a picture of the Tweet.

Round Table #28: Riddles, Maps, and Merchandise



Hile Gunslingers and members of the DTP Ka-Tet, Tadd and Peter come together around the campfire for some Palaver! Join Tadd and Peter as they talk about the Riddles put out for January 19th, a new art book, Dark Tower Toys, and a fan made map of Mid-world. There is some details about the live show next time. Also some emails.


Engage with DTP on Social Media to Palaver between shows. Also check out the show notes at DarkTowerPalaver(dot)com for links to all the articles and pictures mentioned in this podcast.


Next time the second LIVE Dark Tower Palaver. Or maybe an emergency episode in the off chance the trailer comes out.
Check out this episode!

Round Table #28: Riddles, Maps, and Merchandise Show notes

First up the article in the Toronto Sun “Matthew McConaughey is ready for ‘The Dark Tower'”

Second up is the Nerdist article “Solve These Dark Tower Riddles in Honor of the 19th (Exclusive)”

Here are the Riddles:

The First Riddle

The Second Riddle

Third Riddle

Next up “Maine artist debuts collection inspired by Stephen King’s ‘The Dark Tower’ series”

Amazon Link to “The Dark Tower Portfolio”

Next up pictures of the first Dark Tower Toys;

First up is Roland

Next one is of course Walter “RF” Paddick

Next the Map shared on Reddit

The first draft of _________ for a Midworld Map

Then a redditor requested a line showing Roland’s Journey here is what Choco_Bacon came up with.

The Tattoo that Listener Bradley sent a picture of.

Book Club: Drawing of the Three part 2


Greetings to the extended Ka-Tet, join the boys in a palaver digging deep into the books of the Dark Tower Series. Tadd and Peter continue on the journey on into the second book of the series The Drawing of the Three. Here they follow Roland’s journey down the beach to a mysterious door, on it written the word PRISONER. They also meet Eddie Dean in a very interesting predicament in a world very familiar to readers but not at all to Roland.


If you want to be involved in the Book Club discussions just send an email and put Book Club in the header.


Next time will be a Round Table where we will talk news as well as emails.
Check out this episode!

Round Table #27: Dark Tower Film Book, MRC News, and win a date with Idris



First up the article titled Matthew McConaughey’s ‘Dark Tower’ Role Isn’t Another Supervillain”

Next Up MRC Ups Pair To Film Co-Presidents As Slate Expands”

Next up the release about Simon & Schuster announces a Behind the Scenes book for the Dark Tower Film

Next is Coen Brothers to Write and Direct Their First-Ever TV Series, ‘Buster Scruggs’ (Exclusive)”

Last up is Star Trek Beyond’s Idris Elba is Raffling Himself Off For Valentine’s”