First the older article highlighting alleged issues with production, check it HERE.
Next up Steve from Baltimore sent pictures of the Dark Tower Shirts he owns as well as the cufflinks,
That is it for this show. See you next time.
Tadd and his best friend Peter talk about Stephen King’s Magnum Opus The Dark Tower Series.
Email us at darktowerpalaver(at)gmail(dot)com
First the older article highlighting alleged issues with production, check it HERE.
Next up Steve from Baltimore sent pictures of the Dark Tower Shirts he owns as well as the cufflinks,
That is it for this show. See you next time.
In this inaugural episode of Unfound Door it takes us to Jerusalem’s Lot, Maine. A small town with a very unique problem, Vampires. In this Tadd flies solo and talks through the vision for this new show in the DTP Family and discusses the book of Salem’s Lot.
In the future look for The Shining, sometimes Tadd will be alone on these episodes other times Tet-mates may join him. So watch your head as you travel through The Unfound Door, wherever it may lead.
Hile DTP Ka-Tet. Tadd and Peter come together so close to what everyone has been waiting on for so long, the release of the film. If the film is the Tower we are leaving Dandelo’s hut and moving on the last stretch to Can’-Ka No Rey. This episode is PACKED with the final stages of marketing. Some new videos, some SDCC Interviews, a run time, a rating, an Ask Me Anything with the director, a Dixie Pig in our where and when, and so much more. The next time you hear from Tadd or Peter we will have all entered that proverbial Tower and it will be time to discuss what we found in it. Gan be with us all.
After you see the film send an email with your thoughts, also engage with DTP on Twitter and Facebook, also check out and subscribe to the YouTube Channel.
First up the movie has a rating and run time. Check it HERE.
Next up the question what will King’s Cinematic Legacy Be?
Next the Magnum Opus Video,
Next up the Reddit AMA with Director Nikolaj Arcel.
Keeping up with Arcel he is directing a film about RFK.
Next King tweets about the run time of the film,
Next the rating for the film in the US was confirmed.
Next our first article from SDCC, Arcel on his favorite Easter Egg.
Next Arcel about why the run time shouldn’t concern fans.
Next Arcel on why the ending had to change.
Next the video Sony deleted,
Next Arcel giving a tour of the SDCC event of the real life Dixie Pig.
Next the official Dark Tower Twitter sent this out,
Hile Gunslingers, Tadd and Peter come together to Palaver about the NEW trailer!! Called the International Trailer 2 it is packed full of new things and some things that get both Tadd and Peter excited for August 4th. They also look at some numbers that show the money Sony is spending on marketing, the sales that The Dark Tower books are having in the digital mediums, a new poster. Also the Track Listing for Junkie XL’s Score were released!! The Dixie Pig is coming to SDCC, The Making of the Film book comes out before the film, and some great emails to boot.
Engage with DTP on Social Media to Palaver between shows. Also check out the show notes at DarkTowerPalaver(dot)com for links to all the articles and pictures mentioned in this podcast. Also Subscribe to our YouTube channel and you can join us live as we live stream the recording of our episodes!
To preface it all the link to our YOUTUBE channel, pop on over and subscribe. We will be doing our live shows there and you can listen/watch via YouTube to see the content you find here whilst listening to the show.
First up is the new Poster released July 3rd,
Next up a look at Sony’s spending in advertising for a specific week, check it out HERE.
Next up Apple iBook Best Sellers list, check it out HERE.
Next up the Track listings for the official Score were released, check them out HERE.
Pre-Order the score over at Amazon at this LINK,
Next the new trailer!!
Next up is the info for the Dixie Pig opening for San Diego Comic-Con, check it out HERE.
Last article for the show, Idris Elba will be included in the Wizard and Glass TV Show, check out the story HERE.
Deadline interviewed Akiva Goldsman where he touched on Elba for the show, HERE is the full article.
Next up from the emails is the pictures shared by Bart from Belgium
First the book cover for the Making of the Film Book
Pre-Order it on Amazon HERE.
Next a picture of a truck he saw at work,
Next up the INCREDIBLE Smart Watch designs from listener Brian from El Paso
Normal Mode
The Watch he based his designs on.
Last up one he shared with us for Peter’s Sake
Hile Gunslingers of the DTP Extended Ka-Tet. As the wait for the film moves to it’s final stages Tadd and Peter come together to talk about all the news and cover some emails. June 19th IGN gave us an interview with Nikolaj Arcel talking about the upcoming film. Forbes chimes in with an article about why The Dark Tower might be similar to Wonder Woman. The BET Awards gave us a Behind the Scenes/teaser with a few new nuggets and some words from some heavy hitters. Also an article looking into how the sausage is made with MRC is covered. So grab your Nozz-A-La and curl up with your Bumbler and enjoy the new Palaver.
Engage DTP through social media, or email to be part of the show, and subscribe to the new YouTube Channel where we live stream the shows.
First up the IGN interview with Nikolaj Arcel for June 19th,
Next up the Forbes article that compares The Dark Tower to Wonder Woman, check it out HERE.
Next is the Teaser/Behind the Scenes look that was debuted on the BET Award Show,
Next the really awesome look at MRC and how they run, great insight into The Dark Tower and Baby Driver, check it out HERE.
Next up is the tweet from the official Dark Tower Film Twitter account, check the tweet HERE. Picture below.
Hile Gunslingers, Tadd and Peter come together to Palaver about the new TV Spots, a person tells the whole Dark Tower Story in 2 minutes, some art posted from the official Twitter page for the Dark Tower Movie, and the SDCC Dark Tower Exclusive collectible. They also cover some emails and a few other odds and ends.
Engage with DTP on Social Media to Palaver between shows. Also check out the show notes at DarkTowerPalaver(dot)com for links to all the articles and pictures mentioned in this podcast. Also Subscribe to our YouTube channel and you can join us live as we live stream the recording of our episodes!
The First Teaser focused on The Man in Black, includes a new scene!
Second is one focused on Roland
Third is another one focused on Roland, this one with a new scene!
Next up the SDCC exclusive by Diamond Select, read about it and see it HERE.
Next is a 2 minute recap of the Dark Tower Series by SyFy check it out HERE.
Next up some tweets from the Official Dark Tower Twitter Account,
First for National Red Rose Day
Second for Flag Day, or perhaps Flagg Day.
Last up a blast from the past on the race topic with Idris Elba as Roland, this article is from when the casting was announced, but it makes good points so I wanted to bring it up. Check it out HERE.