Hile fellow gunslingers, and welcome to another Round Table. Join Tadd and Peter as they come together to talk about IMDB casting updates, IT Supercut, a few new King projects, and of course Dark Tower talk including a new wrinkle to the ending!
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Hile to the extended Ka-Tet, Tadd and Peter come together for another Book Club. In this section the we finally get some of our group to Door 3, and Eddie and Odetta spend quality time alone together.
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Hile fellow gunslingers, and welcome to another Round Table. Join Tadd and Peter as they come together to talk about IMDB casting updates, Amazon Studios execs, IT Runtime, and The Stand series with exciting news. The big part of this episode is talking about everyone’s King Top 10 Adaptations!
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First up a link to the IMDB page for The Dark Tower Series. Check it out HERE. (Note if you are listening and looking in the future you are clearly seeing much more than we are).
Picture we showed of Simon Wan (Roy DePape)
Next up the picture we showed of Shobu Kappor (Rhea of the Coos).
Next up the article about Jon Wax taking over as the head of Genre Drama at Amazon, so who will be in charge of The Dark Tower. Check it HERE.
Next up the article talking about the length of IT Chapter 2. Check it out HERE.
Next up the article about IT (2017) back in theaters with new footage from Chapter 2. Check it HERE.
Next up the article we covered about KING WRITING NEW STUFF FOR THE STAND SERIES! Check it HERE.
Here is King’s Tweet,
Next the stuff from Josh Boone’s Instagram.
Next up the link to the podcast of longtime listener and emailer Travis from Louisiana. Check it out HERE. Also they are still waiting to get iTunes to approve their show so copy THIS link and paste it into your RSS feed on your podcast service to subscribe to them.
Last up is King’s website listing IT (2017) oddly.
Hile fellow gunslingers, and welcome to another round Table. Join Tadd and Peter as they come together to talk about expanding IT past the film in September, Top 10 King adaptations, Why TDT could be the next big thing, plus some other news as well as EMAILS!
Engage with the show by Email or Social Media! Subscribe on YouTube to join in for live streams of the shows. Or check the website at DarkTowerPalaver.com
First up is the interview with Gary Dauberman where he discusses the chances of expanding the IT universe. Check it out HERE.
Next up is the ranking of the Top 10 Best Stephen King Adaptions. Check it out HERE.
Also be sure so send YOUR top 10 King films, remember we are not ranking based on how true they are to the books/stories but how good the resulting film was. NO TV only films! We will run through the lists on the next show!
Next is a great article telling us 5 reasons why TDT series on Amazon could be the next big thing. Check it HERE.
Next is the Revolver interview with Marilyn Manson where he talks about the cover he and Shooter Jennings is doing for The Doors song “The End” for Josh Boone’s The Stand Limited Series, also that he is acting in it. Check it HERE.
Next up is the article discussing the folks from the original IT mini-series and their lawsuit over not being included in the 2017 film. Check it HERE.
Next up from the Odds and Ends portion of the show we have the poster for the third season of Mr. Mercedes,
Next up is the Deep Fake videos that we covered, namely Jim Carrey in The Shining.
Hile to the extended Ka-Tet, Tadd and Peter come together for another Book Club. In this section they travel some miles up the beach towards door number 3. Detta makes it as hard as possible by day and by night, as well as Roland is getting sicker and sicker.
Engage with the show by Email or Social Media! Subscribe on YouTube to join in for live streams of the shows. Or check the website at DarkTowerPalaver.com
Hile fellow gunslingers, and welcome to Dark Tower Palaver and an unscheduled Round Table due to news! Tadd and Peter come together to talk about Michael Rooker as well as a bunch of other castings, some costumes, some social media from our new Gunslinger, plenty of Palaver plus The Stand has some folks targeted for casting!
Engage with the show by Email or Social Media! Subscribe on YouTube to join in for live streams of the shows. Or check the website at DarkTowerPalaver.com
First is the article from Michael Rooker’s website announcing his involvement in The Dark Tower Show. Check it HERE.
Here is the Deadline article that mentions he is a lead villain (most likely Jonas). Check it HERE.
Next here are the pictures showing Emir Muller, who had the hashtag BigCoffinHunters.
Next up Eleonora Ozeke in costume.
Next up is the picture from TheKickPack,
The rest are pictures I shared of people who are now listed on IMDb, remember anyone can edit it so these might not be official.
First up is Abraham Popoola who is credited as McCreedy.
Next up is Daniel Fathers who is credited as Abel Vannay.
We have seen Fathers before.
Next up is Elaine Cassidy who is credited as Gabrielle Deschain.
Next up is Tim Chipping who is credited as Christopher Johns.
What the cast looked like at the time of the recording.
This leaves us with two mystery men. Michael Rooker and Ivan Kaye. Tadd said Jonas and Avery, Peter said Jonas and Cort by way of predictions for these two.
Next the picture that hit twitter the day of the recording, from Split, Croatia. Maybe the deputies of Mejis or the Horsemen’s Association.
Next up is an Instagram post from Sam Strike where he makes some great references to Roland that go far beyond what he has filmed thus far. Check it out HERE.
Next up is the article covering the targeted cast for The Stand limited series. Check it HERE.
First up James Marsden for Stu Redman
Next up Amber Heard for Nadine Cross
Next up Whoopi Goldberg as Abigail Freemantle
Next up is Greg Kinnear as Old Baldy Glen Bateman.
SARASOTA, FL – APRIL 13: Greg Kinnear attends the 2019 Sarasota Film Festival on April 13, 2019 in Sarasota, Florida. (Photo by John Parra/Getty Images for 2019 Sarasota Film Festival)
Next up is rising star Odessa Young for Fran Goldsmith
Last up for this round of castings for The Stand is Henry Zaga for Nick Andros.
Next up is our odds and ends section. We covered King’s tweet about Under the Dome. Check the link HERE.
Then in the email section the picture that Chris from End World found is shown as Jericho Hill on TDT Wiki.
Last up Chris also shared the picture of the awesome poster by Tessie Girl.
We also mentioned the Doctor Sleep Trailer, if you missed it CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!
Hile fellow gunslingers, and welcome to the 100th entry to Dark Tower Palaver. Tadd and Peter come together for a new episode and tackle a number of topics and tangents. Ron Howard talks the film, some new pictures from Croatia, and some talks about King Adaptations. Also as is the promise some emails!
Engage with the show by Email or Social Media! Subscribe on YouTube to join in for live streams of the shows. Or check the website at DarkTowerPalaver.com