Round Table #109

In the latest episode Tadd and Peter have a Dark Tower-esque crossover with Jeremy from Dark Tower Radio. The Palaver is long, healthy, and full of tangents. 

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Round Table #108 Show Notes

First up Kingian influence on Pixar’s Luca. Check it HERE.

Next a very late article on a Maine naming a bridge after King, around April Fools. Check it HERE.

Next up a doll found in a 200 year old farmhouse. Check it HERE.

King helped his mom retire with his first check. Check it HERE.

Next up the new Pet Sematary film being developed has their Jud and starts filming in August. Check it HERE.

Firestarter has a mom for Charlie. Check it HERE.

Next up Pet Sematary has added a 4 people to the cast in unspecified roles. Check it HERE.

King murders an organization on Twitter. Check it HERE.

Uncle Stevie recommends City on Fire. Check it HERE.

Next Uncle Stevie recommends Line of Duty. Check it HERE.

Lastly the charts for our Top 5 King Novels.

This chart shows how many times each title showed up across all lists.
This is the leaders at each number. So Dark Tower was #1 on 4 lists.
The last chart is quantifying where each film was ranked for everyone. 5 points given to #1 rankings, 4 for #2 etc then add the totals up.

Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 8

Hile Gunslingers! Join Tadd and Peter as they continue the journey to The Dark Tower. They explore the rose in the vacant lot, take key and books and go home to fight with the parents, discover his final grade on his Final Essay, dive into Charlie the Choo-Choo and finally go to bed. 

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Round Table #107

Hile to the Extended Ka-Tet. In probably their first time going three straight weeks Tadd and Peter come together to talk about Christine, The Beatles, Metallica, and Wholesome King (among other things). 

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Round Table #107 Show Notes

First up every Beatles Song in a King Novel. Check the Article HERE and the Spotify Playlist HERE.

Sentient Mist in the Spike TV adaptation of The Mist, read about it HERE.

Huge praise for King by Kirk Hammett of Metallica, read it HERE.

A new cast member for Firestarter, and apparently a lead. Read it HERE.

10 Surprisingly Wholesome King moments, check it out HERE.

King’s daily habits, check it out HERE.

Christine is getting a new adaptation from Bryan Fuller. Check it HERE.

Lisey’s Story has a killer Easter Egg!
A few more images from the Mazzara Tower Pilot. This one is the outside of the Travellers Rest
Next is the picture of Arthur Eld inside the Travellers Rest.
The Romp!
Cuthbert’s Lookout

Then Uncle Stevie Recommends The Clovehitch Killer, HERE is the tweet.

Round Table #106

Hile to the Extended Ka-Tet. On this episode Tadd and Peter discuss the latest news about Stephen King. Some new looks at the dead Amazon Dark Tower Pilot, Firestarter has a Charlie, and best Stephen King endings! 

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Round Table #106 Show Notes

First up is the interview with Glen Mazzara about the failed Dark Tower project at Amazon. This includes a bunch of new pictures from the pilot. Check it HERE.

Next up is Firestarter to begin filming in May in Hamilton and Toronto. Check the article HERE.

King tweets his Elvis-esque support to the Firestarter cast and crew. Check it HERE.

Next is the top 10 King endings list. Check it HERE.

Next the article talking with Julianne Moore and Sai King about Lisey’s Story. Check it HERE.

The announcement for Gwendy’s Final Task coming in early 2022. Check it HERE.

We have a writer and director for the upcoming Pet Sematary movie. Check it HERE.

Next up we have a Charlie for Firestarter, as well as a first look at her. See both HERE.

Next is the Chapelwaite teaser and write-up by Breznican. Check it HERE.

Next the tweet from Blumhouse for the start of Firestarter’s production. See it HERE.

Next Marvel Hero is scared of King and Horror movies.

Then Paul Sparks will narrate Billy Summers, the announcement is HERE.

Next Uncle Stevie Recommends the novel Road of Bones by Christopher Golden. See his tweet HERE.

Then for upcoming challenges we have two

First top 10 Stephen King Kids. For this we define kids as 15 or younger. They can be from any King short story, novella, or novel. They do not have to be main characters, nor do they have to be heroes. Send your emails in before 7/30/2021 and we will discuss it on our episode the next day on the 31st.

Next recommended by Chris from Australia is top 5 King Novels. Rules are Dark Tower only counts as one entry. Novella/Short Story collections can be used (like Different Seasons or Skeleton Crew) but NOT individual Novellas/Shorts (Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption or The Mist). If you want to be part of this discussion please email your responses in by 7/16/2021 and we will cover it the next day on the 17th.

Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 7

Hile Gunslingers! Join Tadd and Peter as they continue the journey to The Dark Tower. They remember back to see Jake reeling as he continues to live on (and beyond) the day he should have died. In the present he finds a bookstore and a vacant lot.   

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Round Table #105

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