Round Table #128

In the latest Round Table Tadd and Peter discuss King being nearly impossible to adapt well, The Shining as a franchise, A horror convention in Bangor, King film Documentary, Flanagan doing the Tower, and King directing again, plus ample Degloving talk. Plus “smaller” moments we can’t wait to see on screen. 


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Round Table #128 Show Notes

First the article covering if King is practically impossible to get right on screen. Check it HERE.

Next the article about The Shining not be capable of maintaining a franchise. Check it HERE.

A look at the horror convention in Bangor. Check it HERE.

Next the documentary about King films. Check it HERE.

Next the facts from Bev Vincent’s new book on King. Check it HERE.

Next Flanagan getting our hopes up about The Dark Tower. Check it HERE.

Fairy Tale is going to Universal. Article HERE.

King says he would love to direct again. Check it HERE.

Next the King cookbook. Check it HERE.

Mr. Harrigan’s Phone is out on Netflix, Check it HERE.

Round Table #127

Hile to the Extended Ka-Tet, in this episode Tadd and Peter cover a variety of things, including some non-spoilery reactions to Fairy Tale, The Stanley Hotel, Most googled King movies per state, Peter Straub passing away, and the big one Robin Furth’s AMA on Reddit! Plus a few other things in the King-verse. 


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Round Table #127 Show Notes

First up is most Googled Stephen King movies per US State. Check it HERE.

Next the article on where to start with Stephen King. Check it HERE.

Next King’s favorite mini-series that he wrote is now on Hulu. Check the article HERE.

A non-spoilery review of Fairy Tale. Check it HERE.

Peter Straub has passed away. Check the article HERE.

Next the Stanley Hotel has created some Overlook attractions. Check it HERE. Make reservations for the Caretaker’s Cottage go HERE.

Next Fairy Tale is being made into a movie by Paul Greengrass. Check it HERE.

Next is the Robin Furth AMA on Reddit. Check it HERE.

Next Uncle Stevie making slasher films on Twitter HERE and HERE.

Then Uncle Stevie recommends HERE and HERE.

The the link to the extended Ka-Tet Count for the King Bibliography. Fill out a column for yourself and see your progress and how you compare to others (No shame, some of us have more or less time than others, this is just for fun so no sweat if your number is not as high as you would like). Check it HERE.

Round Table #126

Hile Extended Ka-Tet, in this episode Tadd and Peter talk about adaptations that need to happen, Bruce Willis’s mark on The Green Mile, Predator’s vs King characters, Salem’s Lot losing its release day, and a TON more including the King Quiz results! 


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Check out this episode!

Round Table #126 Show Notes

First up we have Bruce Willis to thank for Michael Clark Duncan in The Green Mile. Check it HERE.

Next 15 King novels screaming for an adaptation or re-adaptation. Check it HERE.

Next what King characters should take on a Predator? Check it HERE.

Next why Misery deserves a remake. Check it HERE.

Next Salem’s Lot no longer has a release date 😐 Check it HERE.

Next get paid to watch 13 King adaptations. HERE is the article and HERE is the application.

Next King’s AI Pennywise:

Next Uncle Stevie recommends something to WATCH and something to READ.

Next all the Uncle Stevie quizzes

First Tadd’s

Next Mike’s

Next John’s

Next Jennifer’s

Next Bart’s

Then Jack’s

Then Jack’s Emoji challenge,

Next Josh lives near a street with a great name.

Round Table #125

On this episode Tadd and Peter palaver about why Dark Tower is ripe for a reboot,  Simpsons doing an IT episode, Uncle Stevie in Court, The Regulators getting an adaptation, giant Cymbal Monkey’s and a lot more! Also for next episode can you name all of King’s novels in 10 minutes? 


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Check out this episode!

Round Table #125 Show Notes

First article was arguing why now is the perfect time to reboot The Dark Tower series. Check it HERE.

Next The Simpsons is doing two Halloween Specials this year, a normal 3 story one and a bonus IT episode that will be the entire episode! Check the article HERE.

Next Sai King testifies against the merger of the top two publishers. Check it HERE.

Next The Regulators is getting adapted, check out the story HERE.

Then the one I forgot to do slides for 5 Horror movie recommendations from Uncle Stevie that you can find on Netflix. Check it HERE.

Next up Uncle Stevie hyping us up for Mr. Harrigan’s Phone coming to Netflix this fall. Check the article HERE and his Tweet HERE (also screen grab of the tweet below).

Next up the article on the Decade long story of trying to adapt The Breathing Method. Check it HERE.

Next up is Sai King reading a chapter from Fairy Tale,

Next up was the Spirit Halloween 6 Foot Jolly Chimp that had Peter so upset.

Next is the Uncle Stevie quiz, can you name all of his novels (Short Story collections will be accepted but they do not count to the overall total) in 10 Minutes? Try your hand HERE. Remember screen grab your results and send them into us, we will compare results next week!

Last up is the Charts that Chris from Australia sent in on the Goodreads results for all of King and the top 20.

Book Club: The Waste Lands Part 17

In this Book Club Tadd and Peter find the Ka-Tet hitting some more modern looking (albiet not in the best condition) roads and then the next day reaching the bridge to Lud and meeting a new character who takes Jake!


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