Hile DTP Ka-Tet, Tadd and Peter come together and discuss the latest news which include CinemaCon where the TRAILER WAS SHOWN! Sadly the trailer still has not been released for the rest of us to see. So Tadd and Peter read through the many descriptions of the footage/trailer and get a pretty good picture not only of what was scene but how it was received. The articles about the footage came from both fans of The Series and newbies so much is learned from this. As well as they talk about ANOTHER DELAY in the film’s release! They talk about what this delay means and how it impacts the outlook for the film. As well as a pathetic lawsuit against Uncle Stevie because of The Dark Tower Series. There is also some new Dark Tower Merchandise coming in the fall. As well as a return of the extended Ka-Tet by way of emails! So snuggle up with your Bumbler and enjoy this jam packed show!
Engage with DTP on Social Media to Palaver between shows. Also check out the show notes at DarkTowerPalaver(dot)com for links to all the articles and pictures mentioned in this podcast.
Check out this episode!