Wizard and Glass Book Club #14 (Pt2, Ch7 Sc9-11, Ch8 Sc1)

In the latest Book Club Tadd and Peter follow up with Susan and Roland in their meeting as they begin to kiss and Susan says they must keep it secret and not see each other anymore. Avery and his deputies discuss their thoughts on the boys. Roland returns to camp and Alain doubts his strategy and finds a distinctive hair on him, and finally we see Depape finding out the truth about the boys in Ritzy.


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Round Table #151 Show Notes

First off confirmation that Flanagan is directing the next Exorcist film. Check it HERE.

Next up the speculation about a member of the Flanagan Family due to Mike’s social media response. Check it HERE.

Next up an open ended deal for one Netflix show makes us all hope Flanagan can get the same deal for The Dark Tower. Check it HERE.

Next Bill Skarsgård is back as Pennywise for Welcome to Derry! Check it HERE.

Next an interview with Skarsgård that looks back at his earliest days after taking the role of Pennywise in 2017. Check it HERE.

Next up The Long Walk is filming now in Winnipeg! Check it HERE.

Next up The Monkey distribution is won by Neon. Check it HERE.

Next one story from You Like it Darker took King 45 years to complete. Check it HERE.

Last up Shawshank will be celebrating its 30th Anniversary in Ohio later this year. Check it HERE.

Round Table #151

In the latest Round Table Tadd and Peter first remember Scott Wampler, as well as dive into some news including a bunch of Flanagan news, speculation, and hopes. As well as some Bill Skarsgård news, The Long Walk is filming, The Monkey, and Shawshank preps to celebrate its 30th Anniversary. 


Engage with the show by Email or Social Media! Check the website at DarkTowerPalaver.com or Patreon at patreon.com/darktowerpalaver

Check out this episode!