Round Table #22: Round Table #22: Tom Taylor, Trailer, and Ron Howard Directing




Hile Gunslingers and members of the DTP Ka-Tet, Tadd and Peter do the first Round Table of DTP’s second year! Join Tadd and Peter as they talk about Tom Taylor’s casting process, Ron Howard talking about directing a Dark Tower Film, Sony Head talking about trailer time-frame, leaked trailer, and the first Box Set for the books in the United States and as always you get your say as they take some emails from the extened Ka-Tet.


Engage with DTP on Social Media to Palaver between shows. Also check out the show notes at DarkTowerPalaver(dot)com for links to all the articles and pictures mentioned in this podcast.


Next time will be Round Table 23, and Gan knows what news that might bring. Long Days and Pleasant Nights!
Check out this episode!

Round Table #22: Round Table #22: Tom Taylor, Trailer, and Ron Howard Directing Show Notes

First up our first news article “Tom Taylor, Stars of Tomorrow 2016

Next up the next article we talk about “Tom Rothman on ‘Spider-Man’ Spin-Off Movies and When We’ll See the First “Dark Tower” Trailer

Next article is “Will Ron Howard Ever Direct A Dark Tower Movie? Here’s What He Tells Us” 

Next up “We’re Finally Getting A Complete Dark Tower Boxed Set


The Upcoming Box Set for The Dark Tower books.

Next up is Charlie the Choo-Choo is going to be for sale, pre-order it here at AMAZON.


Here is the other listing on Amazon with the sticker,

Mahap Charlie will be in the film?

Peter referenced this, might be off topic but for Simpsons it’s legit,



Book Club Chp 4 pt 2-Chp 5 Trials, Sacrifice, and the Man in Black





Hile Gunslingers, join the boys in a palaver digging deep into the books of the Dark Tower Series. Tadd and Peter continue on the journey to the Dark Tower as they follow Roland to the past as he confronts Cort, also as he is face with the decision of his soul vs the Tower, and finally to the Palaver with the Man in Black.


If you want to be involved in the Book Club discussions just send an email and put Book Club in the header.


Next time will be a Round Table where we will talk news as well as emails.


Shout out to RavenMedia over at Deviant Art for the amazing Tarot Card Illustration. Brilliantly done.
Check out this episode!