Round Table #4: Film Dream Casting Part 2

In this episode of Dark Tower Palaver Tadd and Peter continue their Round Table Tadd discussing who they would cast in roles in the Dark Tower movies/TV shows. They came up with 50 characters to cast, but they went way long, in fact they both had flashbacks of The Gunslinger’s Palaver with The Man in Black so it was split into 2 shows, this is part 2 containing the “Deeper Cuts” for the characters. Also check out for a link to the Google Doc with IMDB pages and pictures to see what was in each person’s head when they cast the roles.

Email us your thoughts on Dark Tower Casting ideas and tune in next episode as we discuss various topics regarding the books as well as give details about the upcoming Book Club episodes.

Check out this episode!

Link to our Casting Google Doc

Hey fellow Palaverers,

In the newest episode of Dark Tower Palaver we mention the lists we came up with. Here is the link to the Google Doc with our lists. It is cut to just have what we discuss in this episode. We will share the second half along with the next episode.

Click here for the lists.

Enjoy the episode!


Round Table #3: Film Dream Casting Part 1

In the newest Round Table Tadd and Peter discuss who they would cast in various roles in the Dark Tower movies/TV shows. They came up with 50 characters to cast, but they went way long so it will be split into 2 shows, this is the top 10 characters. Also check out for a link to the Google Doc with IMDB pages and pictures to see what was in each person’s head when they cast the roles.

Email us your thoughts on Dark Tower Casting ideas and tune in next episode as we discuss the deeper cuts for casting.

Check out this episode!

Round Table #2: The Adaptation

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Tadd and Peter talk about the upcoming, and oft delayed, Dark Tower Big/Small Screen adaptation. They talk about Nikolaj Arcel the director, they talk about what things they are excited to see, and what they are worried about seeing, they discuss how to handle Susannah, Jake, flashbacks and much much more. Share your thoughts on the adaptation by emailing the show at darktowerpalaver(at)gmail(dot)com

Check out this Episode

Round Table #1: Introductions

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In the very first episode of Dark Tower Palaver as well as the first Round Table Discussion Tadd and Peter spend some time talking about the vision and elements for the show. The boys introduce themselves by talking about their friendship, their relationship to Stephen King’s work and of course The Dark Tower Series. The guys also hit on favorite books of the series, favorite characters and a few other things to help you understand who they are as Dark Tower fans. This episode sponsored by the Tet Corporation.
Check out this episode!