Round Table #154 Show Notes

First up all of King’s Proactive Tweets

First one on August 13

Second on on August 14

Third one on August 17

Fourth one on August 19

Fifth one on September 2

Sixth one on September 2

Seventh one on September 3

Eighth and final one (so far) on September 3

Next into Flanagan’s Corner and the first one there is his interview with The Hollywood Reporter. Check it HERE

Next the Vanity Fair Article on Life of Chuck. Check it HERE.

Next the Hamill and King tweet exchange from TIFF.

Next up we have a first look at Salem’s Lot from Vanity Fair. Check it HERE.

Then we have the scene from Salem’s Lot that was put on YouTube by HBO

Next up is the article on The Monkey. Check it HERE. As well as the teaser HERE.

Next up Glen Powell Talks The Running Man. Check it HERE.

Next David Jonsson talks the brutal filming of The Long Walk. Check it HERE.

Then our first set photo of Mark Hamill from The Long Walk

Next up Uncle Stevie Recommends DON’T TURN YOUR BACK ON FRIDAY NIGHT and the podcast NOBLE.

Round Table #154

In the latest Round Table Tadd and Peter come together to Palaver about a tidal wave of news. Including King teasing a new Dark Tower Book! Also articles and first looks for Life of Chuck and Salem’s Lot as well as a Flanagan interview where we find out he has had the rightst to the Dark Tower for MUCH longer than we realized. And a teaser for The Monkey and some smaller looks at The Running Man and The Long Walk. 


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