As you may have heard either through our social media or the latest episodes we are getting in on the March Madness game a bit (last day of March still counts say thankya).
The inspiration for this came in my (Tadd’s) latest run through the books and got to Sylvia Pittston and just thought “there are a number of these characters that are just terrible, I wonder who the most hated is?” I had a pretty good idea of a few names that would go far but I wanted to make this to see for sure.
So I took names of characters that people hate in the books, ones that you just hate so much it almost makes their portions of the book hard to read (as opposed to those you love to hate, like Sai Jonas got mentioned in that manner a few times). I took the results from Facebook, Twitter, and the chat from the live recording of the episode and made the list. I decided to set it up with first round byes (for those not into sports these are reserved for better teams who earned a break by having a good record), these were given to those who were mentioned multiple times.
So the Bracket is set. Check it out (Note the first one is obviously not sized in a way to be readable so each half will be listed below). Also

Now for Round One Voting. This will be up for 10 days. Then results will be tallied and we will keep it going 10 days at a time until we crown the most hated character in The Dark Tower Universe!
(Note: Please try to keep this Dark Tower related, if a character is seen elsewhere in the Kingverse try to just consider them in their version seen in The Dark Tower).