March Insanity Finals!

The 3rd round is in the books and it was a doozy, probably the biggest upset in the history of March Insanity!

Now on to the finals!

First the finals for The Favorite Spoken Line in the Dark Tower Series

Favorite Spoken DT Line Finals!

Then the finals for the Most Hated Non-DT King Character

Most Hated King Character Finals!

Voting goes the rest of the month!

Then the brackets!

March Insanity Round 3 Voting!

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Favorite Spoken DT Line Round 3 #1

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Favorite Spoken DT Line Round 3 #2

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Most Hated King Character Round 3 #1

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Most Hated King Character Round 3 #1

Wizard and Glass Book Club #23 (Pt3, CH4 Sc13-19)

Sections Covered Part 3 Chapter 4, Subchapters 13–19)

Tadd and Peter go back into Mid-World and find Jonas meeting Randall Flagg and being as shaken, if not more, than Roy seemed to be. Then Cuthbert returns to the bunkhouse and we see the biggest blowup with the boys yet including a sucker punch and showing the Rhea note to both Alain and Roland. Then after simmering down Roland and Cuthbert go and see Rhea (and Ermot) and Roland says it is time for the three boys to meet together with Susan. Rhea vows vengeance on the boys for her lost loved one. 

Also don’t forget to visit our website and vote on March Insanity 2025! 

Engage with the show by Email or Social Media! Subscribe on YouTube to join in for live streams of the shows. Check the website at or Patreon at

Check out this episode!

Dark Tower March Insanity 2025 Round 2

The first round of the 5th Annual Dark Tower March Insanity is in the books, and we had not only a first but TWO of them! We had two ties in Round 1. We have never had a tie before so on the fly I decided to literally flip a coin on these two, not idea but with the tight timeline not a whole lot of better options!

Cast your votes for Round 2 and let’s hope there are no more ties, but who knows because one thing about these brackets is they only get harder!

Also for the first time starting this year we are doing a parallel bracket for Non-DT King where we are crowning Most Hated Character, so cast your votes there as well!

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Favorite Spoken DT Line Round 2 #1

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Favorite Spoken DT Line Round 2 #2

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Favorite Spoken DT Line Round 2 #3

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Favorite Spoken DT Line Round 2 #3

King March Insanity 2025 Round 2

Round 1 is in the books, and there were some tight races in Round 1. Some of them are ones I would not have counted on to be tight!

Cast your vote to help us decide Round 2 and crown the most Hated King Character Outside the Dark Tower Series!

Also the 5th Annual Dark Tower bracket is going in parallel so check that out as well!

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Most Hated King Character Round 2 #1

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Most Hated King Character Round 2 #2

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Most Hated King Character Round 2 #3

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Most Hated King Character Round 2 #3

Round Table #161

In the latest Round Table Tadd and Peter talk about the wild day or two of news that King was writing for the Flanagan Dark Tower, then they hit an article breaking down why adapting The Dark Tower is so difficult (and Peter makes his true feelings known about Tull hahah). Then Gwendy is getting an Omnibus, King is writing a Hansel and Gretel book, and Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream is getting adapted! Then there is a few minutes of Monkey talk! 

Also don’t forget to vote in March Insanity, check it at Round 1 ends on March 8th! 

Engage with the show by Email or Social Media! Check the website at or Patreon at

Check out this episode!

Round Table #161 Show Notes

First off go HERE to get your vote in for Round 1 of March Insanity!

Next is the IGN Article about King writing for Flanagan’s Dark Tower. Check it HERE. They have the links to King’s post on Bluesky as part of their update.

Next up 10 Reasons Adapting TDT is difficult. Check it HERE.

Next up the article about the Gwendy Omnibus is HERE and the Amazon link is HERE.

Next King is writing for the Maurice Sendak reimagining of Hansel and Gretel. Check the article HERE.

Next up Danny Coughlin’s Bad Dream is getting adapted! Check the article on the director HERE.

Then the link to The Monkey publicity bus days before the film came out.

King March Insanity 2025 Round 1

The inaugural Non-Dark Tower Stephen King March Insanity poll! To kick off this new branch of the March Insanity voting we are going to start this one where we started the Dark Tower one back in 2019, Most Hated Character! Take a look below for the full bracket and the schedule.

Cast your vote and help us crown the most hated character in King’s pantheon.

The fifth annual Dark Tower bracket it also going along parallel to this so make sure to vote there as well!

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #1

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #2

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #3

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #4

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #5

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #6

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #7

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Most Hated King Character Round 1 #8

Happy Voting!